Exhibition Catalogues

Marzenie i rzeczywistość. Gmach Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie

[Dreams and Reality. The Building of the National Museum in Warsaw] edited by Piotr Kibort, graphic design: Magdalena Piwowar, The National Museum in Warsaw, Warsaw 2016

W Muzeum wszystko wolno. The “Anything Goes” Museum

idea: Maria Bukowska, Anna Kiełczewska, stories and illustrations: © Curators, graphic design and cover design: Maria Bukowska, Warsaw: The National Museum in Warsaw, 2016

Mistrzowie pastelu. Od Marteau do Witkacego

edited by Anna Grochala, graphic layout and typesetting by Jerzy Gruchot, Wojciech Koss / Full Metal Jacket, illustrated, Warsaw: The National Museum in Warsaw, 2015

Bronisław Krystall. Testament

edited by Katarzyna Mączewska, Krzysztof Załęski, graphic design: Aleksandra Toborowicz, illustrated, Warsaw: The National Museum in Warsaw, 2015

Trasa Muzeum – Zalew Zegrzyński. Estrada sztuki nowoczesnej. The Museum – Zegrze Reservoir Route. Arena for Modern Art

edited by Magdalena Anna Nowak, graphic design: Hanna Kokczyńska, Marcin Romaniuk / Super Super, Warsaw: The National Museum in Warsaw, 2015

Papież awangardy. Tadeusz Peiper w Hiszpanii, Polsce, Europie

edited by Piotr Rypson, graphic design: Przemek Dębowski, illustrated, Warsaw: The National Museum in Warsaw, 2015
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